Building Resilient Youth With Martial Arts And Harmonizing Lives With Tai Chi & Yoga
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Our martial arts school in Avondale, Arizona offers a wide range of programs that cater to individuals of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you're interested in martial arts, Karate for kids, Tai Chi classes near you, or Qigong healing sessions, we have something for everyone.
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Avondale Kung Fu, partnered with United Martial Arts & Zen Wellness
12409 West Indian School Road, Suite A-111
Avondale, AZ 85392
(623) 535-5517
Kung Fu and other forms of Martial Arts training have a wide range of benefits for both your physical and mental health. These benefits include improvements in your strength & flexibility, discipline, confidence, and self-esteem. Additionally, our Martial Arts curriculum is specially designed to teach the importance of setting goals for yourself, perseverance in the face of adversity, and respect for others. Our Martial Arts teaches you the framework to get the most out of your health and well-being by combining physical activity and discipline with mental and emotional development.
Tai Chi and Qigong are two disciplines that offer much when it comes to improving your health. Both Tai Chi and Qigong have been found to be very effective in managing chronic pain, improving balance, lowering the likelihood of falls in older adults, increasing cardiovascular fitness, as well as lowering anxiety levels. These practices are not limited by age and we have adapted them to suit people at all fitness levels. Our curriculum is accessible to all whether you are looking to practice Tai Chi for beginners or experts.
Our Zen Yoga Program uniquely combines Hatha yoga poses with the wisdom of the five elements to give you the most out of this ancient practice. On top of the increases in flexibility and balance, a consistent yoga practice reduces your overall risk of injury as well as improves your quality of sleep and energy levels. Aside from the physical benefits, our school gives you an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who have been a part of our community for years.
Since 2005…
We’ve helped students just like you become the best versions of themselves…
Training with us at Avondale Kung Fu is not like investing in merchandise or other material things. It is an investment in life -- your life. Your mental, emotional and physical health and overall well-being.
When a piece of machinery breaks down, you can get new parts in order to repair it. But Life is only once. There are no spare parts for your mind or emotions.
No matter who you are, you must take care of yourself -- because the pain of neglecting your life does not recognize any financial wealth or social status. The person with excellent mental, emotional and physical health has 10,000 wishes. While the person with neglected mental, emotional and physical health has just ONE wish… to have their health.
Only you can work to improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. No one can do the work for you. You will appreciate your successes and this accomplishment for the rest of your life!
Our student body is comprised of individuals from all walks of life and ranges in age from 5 to over 90 years of age. We meet our students where they are and create a welcoming, safe, and supportive environment for all abilities and at all levels.
Martial Arts, Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, and Meditation training are the skillful means used for you to develop and improve your quality of life. When you realize the value of your own life, all life becomes valuable. When your mind is focused on self-mastery, you develop not only self-respect but concern and respect for others. This is why Avondale parents and adults have made the decision to partner with us since 2005.